What We Do

As Coaches, rather than Consultants, our methods work best when it involves you, your staff, other associates, stakeholders, and the community in collaborative decision-making. Coaching is integral to our approach to professional development and the holistic visitor engagement. A strong invitational and inclusive visitor experience helps you to:

  • Expand and diversify your audience,

  • Increase your attendance,

  • Promote the uniqueness of your site,

  • Build word of mouth marketing, and

  • Generate more revenue.

We can be involved with you for Longer Term Projects such as a Visitor Experience Interpretive Plan (VEIP) or we can spend a couple of hours to a full day on Shorter Term Projects.

With Longer Term Projects…

Together we can review your Mission & Outcomes to ensure the visitor takeaways are aligned with the actual visitor experiences and your Vision for Success.


Are there plans for new infrastructure or renovation of existing facilities? We’ll work with you to design an Experiential Blueprint or Interpretive Plan for visitor engagement.

We can help maximize the Visitor Journey (Pre-During-Post) by working with you to set up an effective Visitor Flow from site approach, to on-site visit, to departure, and suggest ways to build anticipation & maximize impact.

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Devising strong Interpretive Invitations with an inclusive atmosphere is where we excel. Together we can assess and enhance the Entrance, Welcome, and site Orientation.

And, of course, any Visitor Experience Interpretive Plan must be your plan, not ours. We can offer you an effective planning process and provide stratigic feedback on experiences that highlight the uniqueness of your site. This process is explained on our How We Work website page.

We can help you with Shorter Term & Specific Projects…

If you think you need a more appealing Welcome and a less confusing Orientation, together we can create ways the visitors will have a sense of belonging and feel cared for. We’ll make sure outcomes and options are clear from the beginning of the visitor journey.

If you are looking to change your Gateway Experience we’ll help you set expectations & build impact that can improve the Pre-visit, Arrival, and Entrance Experience for the visitors.

Perhaps you are simply in need of some constructive feedback on a trail or exhibit. Together we’ll re-imagine & improve the active doing experiences & engage the visitor’s Head, Heart, Hands, & Hunger.

Maybe you would like your Retail and Food Experiences to have a stronger interpretive presence. Together we can generate ideas of integrating these areas into the site’s Mission.

We can offer our unique coaching style and interpretive planning process to work with you to design an effective Exit Experience with reflective activities and visitor return strategies.

If you are looking for that all important Community Involvement and Support, together we’ll devise ways to enhance community engagement.

If you are interested in working on any ideas with EID, whether they are Longer or Shorter Projects, email Bill Reynolds or Mike Mayer at contact@eidcoaching.com and visit our website at www.eidcoaching.com to find out more about Who We Are and How We Work . We promise to respond cheerfully.